I mean, back at the beginning of February, when we were suspecting expecting but hadn't confirmed those suspicions, Elodie started throwing some pretty sweet little requests into her prayers, "please bless our family with a new baby girl" and things of that nature--always a girl baby. It somehow seemed like she knew; not only that a baby was coming, but that it was going to be a little girl. And so, even though I've never had very strong inclinations about whether I was carrying a girl or a boy, this time, I've felt like it's probably a girl, and told people as much when they've asked me my guess. And I think I was just persuaded by Elodie's unwavering conviction that "it's going to be a girl baby." She just seems to know.
Well, this morning, we had the whole family together at the ultrasound, and when the technician identified the girl parts, Elodie said confidently, "I knew it." Now Elodie is going on to predict hair and eye color. She says yellow hair like her, but brown eyes like Daddy. When I asked, "you don't think she'll have brown hair like dad?" She said, "No, that would be weird!" Hey, what do I know? She's the girl who knows what she's talking about.
We are so excited to welcome another daughter this fall. Wouldn't it be fun if she came on my birthday? She's due right around then (October 12th)!
yea! another girl cousin! i think it's funny that you WANT her to be born on your birthday cuz when emery was due very close to my b-day that was the one thing i did NOT want! guess you're much less selfish than i am!
Woohoo! Congratulations! Our little girls will be pretty close in age! I can't wait to see if Elodie's other predictions are right. Sometimes, they just know!
How exciting! Congratulations.
Yeah! I am so happy for you! (I would be happy for a boy to) It is fun to have girls!
Elodie looks like she means business! Yay! We are excited for you:)
I wouldn't second-guess that girl. She's all business! Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl. Miss you guys!
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