Monday, December 29, 2008
Omniscient and Omnipotent
Well, yesterday our trust was again put to the test when I started having regular and increasingly frequent contractions during Church. When they were 3 minutes apart at the end of sacrament meeting, we decided to get our kids settled at Aunt Melayna's and head to the hospital. After I'd been in triage for just a few minutes, I felt a little something and told them I thought my water may have broken. I figured they had some conclusive way to determine whether or not it had. Well, after litmus paper and a slide under a microscope and more close examination and second opinions, they deliberated for almost 2 hours about whether or not my water had actually broken. They finally concluded that it had and admitted me to the Labor and Delivery unit. Four hours later, the midwife who had come on duty since my arrival brought that conclusion into question again and decided that she didn't think my water had broken! I had never seen this midwife before, but she is definitely my very very favorite one now. She was wonderful. She said that since I'd been having contractions every 2-3 minutes since arriving to the hospital but hadn't actually progressed, we could just go home and come back when things picked up. So we got home a little before 1 this morning, feeling tired, grateful, and a bit sheepish. It was very humbling to realize that even though this is my third baby, we still don't even know when it's the real deal and despite our vigilant laps around the L&D unit, we don't have the power to make a baby come that's not quite ready to come! So today, as my contractions continue to be frequent yet mild, we're trying to be patient and keep our trust in the One who is omniscient and omnipotent, unlike us and the medical world!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
What's that smell?
Yes, indeed, we have enjoyed a bounteous harvest at this Thanksgiving time. As Aaron finally crawled into bed last night at 2:00am after chopping and sorting all those onions pictured above, he was tired, but just radiating with gratitude for the abundant blessings manifested in the incredible onion stench permeating our home. When I snuggled up to him and said, "wow, you stink," he said, "aren't we so blessed?" (Did I mention that Aaron's a workhorse? He got home from studying on campus at about 10:00pm and I think the stench of partially rotting onions in the garage where he was parking his bike motivated him to preserve the onions before they all perish and dwindle into a heap of compost.) Alas, I'd better stop blogging and go get another batch in the dehydrators! Aaron has left me without excuse by doing all the stinky prep work!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sweet 'n' Feisty
Monday morning, Elodie was eating breakfast, and she finished her hot Tang (yes, I am a horrible Mom for letting my kids drink colored, flavored sugar water, but it was a freebie leftover from Girls' Camp a couple years ago and I like free stuff). Elodie insisted on having another glass. "I need more hot Tang!" I decided that I shouldn't be a doubly horrible Mom by letting her drink two cups of colored, flavored sugar water, so I kindly told her, "Only one cup of Tang, but you have more Cheerios you can eat." She looked right at me, swiftly picked up her bowl of cereal, and dumped the entire thing right on the floor. This is just one little reason that I have my own version of a line from "More Holiness Give Me"--it goes, "More patience in mothering!"
Thursday, November 6, 2008
It's a Zoo!
Aaron and I were the zookeepers, and yes, that little monkey did bite right through his banana peel and ate it before we even started the night. So much for his accessory!
We carved one of our MANY home-grown pumpkins for Family Home Evening before Halloween. That explains why the pumpkin's irregular, slightly reddish, mottled, and squirrel-bitten. It looked the least appetizing so we chose it for our jack-o-lantern instead of using it for pumpkin muffins, pumpkin soup, pumpkin stew, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pancakes, baked pumpkin, or dinner in a pumpkin. All of which we have indeed eaten in the last month! Maybe next year we won't plant two full seed packets of pumpkins!
This picture was taken back in September when our pumpkin patch was still lush. As soon as the pumpkins realized it was fall, the patch, which we planted in front right around our mailbox, became a bit of an eyesore. I guess we were a little odd to plant part of our vegetable garden in the front yard. But if you taste one of our chocolate chip pumpkin muffins you won't mind odd anymore!