Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sweet 'n' Feisty

This is my sweet little girl. Sometimes.
Monday morning, Elodie was eating breakfast, and she finished her hot Tang (yes, I am a horrible Mom for letting my kids drink colored, flavored sugar water, but it was a freebie leftover from Girls' Camp a couple years ago and I like free stuff). Elodie insisted on having another glass. "I need more hot Tang!" I decided that I shouldn't be a doubly horrible Mom by letting her drink two cups of colored, flavored sugar water, so I kindly told her, "Only one cup of Tang, but you have more Cheerios you can eat." She looked right at me, swiftly picked up her bowl of cereal, and dumped the entire thing right on the floor. This is just one little reason that I have my own version of a line from "More Holiness Give Me"--it goes, "More patience in mothering!"


Rachel Sorber said...

Oh, my. It's so funny to have kids the same age. I'm kind of struggling a little with Lucy right now, too--I think it's just the "gearing up for two" stage that's so gloriously, impulsively irrational. Is Elodie super emotional? Lucy's really been into throwing herself down in tears lately. Hope she survives two all right...

merathon said...

is she a mini-Xander or what?

Mirien said...

Love that story! Sometimes it's the age, and sometimes it's just the personality. I'm not sure Corinne will ever outgrow such behavior.

Marliese said...

Good to have things like that recorded...for future laughs. Nice work keeping up with your blog, too. It's fun to see what is going on with you on a regular basis.