Monday, April 27, 2009

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Aaron took Xander to his first major league baseball game on Friday. If my dad were editing this for me like he did for school papers back in the day, he'd tell me that the antecedent of "his" is unclear. Did Aaron take Xander to Xander's first real ball game or did Aaron take Xander to Aaron's first real ball game? The answer is both.When I asked Xander about the game, he gave me a pretty good summary. "Some guys got hits, and some guys didn't get hits." I asked him what his favorite part was, and it turns out that it wasn't the baseball--it was taking the "city train" (AKA light rail) to and from the field! In fact, Aaron said that by the third inning, Xander kept asking if it was time to go back on the train yet. And since the game started after 7:00 and Xander usually goes to bed around 7:30 or 8:00, Aaron called it quits after that third inning.
Upon seeing these pictures just now, Xander announced, "I want to do that again!" I'd say it was a pretty successful father-son outing! Aaron also told me he'd like to go to another Rockies game, but that he'd like to go with me and leave the kids behind so he could stay for the whole game. What makes him think that my attention span for baseball is any longer than Xander's? Nah, really, it'd be super fun. As I always said when we were dating, it's who you're with not what you're doing that counts.


Marc and Miriam Deru said...

You're funny with your grammar issue. :) I'm so glad they got to do a father-son outing! I loved daddy-daughter dates as a kid. They're the best.

jessica said...

Who you're with is definitely more important. It is nice every so often to get through the whole game:)